Giuseppe Piermarini tra Barocco e Neoclassico. Roma, Napoli, Caserta, Foligno

by admin fsg

Palazzo Trinci, Foligno
5 June – 2 October 2010

Edited by Marcello Fagiolo and Marisa Tabarrini, at Palazzo Trinci, Foligno. Among the novelties exhibited on the show, there’s a particular section about Piermarini’s formative years, regarding not only the relation with his master Vanvitelli, but also with others crucial characters like Carlo Murena and Paolo Posi, or as reported on the notebooks now preserved in Foligno, the discovery of Piermarini botanical interest, an essential trait for a garden and festive sets architect.
On that occasion, Fondazione Sorgente Group has gladly lent to Palazzo Trinci the painting “View of the Colosseum with archaeologists and laborers at work”, by Andrea Locatelli. The painting is an important evidence of the historical moment in which Piermarini worked in Rome.